For more detailed instructions please go to the below links below the text instructions (these will include screenshots).
iPhone or iPad
Note: If it does not auto setup and prompts at some point for a server, please put Your username and email address are the same.
- Select Settings > Accounts & Passwords > Add Account
- Choose Exchange
- Enter your full email address and a description (optional, this is your own reference)
- Sign in and use your normal password for the system.
- Accept the permissions request.
- Save the options you wish to sync to your device, you can leave the defaults and simply click Save.
- You will receive a notification your device has been quarantined. This is expected and will need to be approved. To speed up the process you can contact your immediate support staff and let them know that you setup a new mobile device
Detailed Instructions:
Android (Google)
Note: If it does not auto setup and prompts at some point for a server, please put Your username and email address are the same.
- Open your email app on your phone (Samsung, GMail, or Outlook)
- In the top left select the settings option (gear or 3 horizontal lines)
- Add Account
- Select Exchange and Microsoft 365, Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync, or Exchange (the exact option varies by application)
- Enter your email address and click next.
- Enter your password and click next.
Note: If you see a "redirect request" that mentions simply click OK - Click Yes to the permissions request.
- You will receive a notification your device has been quarantined. This is expected and will need to be approved. To speed up the process you can contact your immediate support staff and let them know that you setup a new mobile device
Detailed Instructions:
- Samsung Phone:
- Built-in App:
- Microsoft Outlook (must be manually installed):