If you were sent an "Unlock Message" Secure Reader (Virtru) email and the link does not load and after a time shows the image below, there is a workaround.
1. Click the Unlock Message link, then click into the web browser, Google Chrome, so it is in focus for you.
2. After roughly 4 seconds if the page has not loaded, click F5 on your keyboard. This will tell the page to refresh.
Note: This works the vast majority of the time. If it does not or you see "Loading..." with a spinning wheel in the middle, hit F5 again after 4 seconds and this finally made it work in all tests.
At this point you should be on the page that allows you to select the email you would like a verification sent to. Select that email address and you'll receive an email to Verify Me. This one, in testing, worked every time but if it does not, try the F5 workaround.
Note: Ideally, do not close the web browser if you had the verification email sent until after you've verified. It uses a cookie for the verification process that if cleared will make the decrypt of the page file to happen and say "Something went wrong..."